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Sunday, May 27, 2012

Like This! LIKE IT!!!!!!!

You know what really "grinds my gears"? Those posts you see on Facebook that say "Like this if you support your troops; Ignore if not," "Like this if you would save a starving kid in Africa," or "Like if you're against abuse."

Don't get me wrong, I fully support all the causes, it's just that I don't think liking a post will really change anything. I also don't like the fact that if don't like the post that I'm suddenly inconsiderate of I hate my country. It's cool if they are just trying to get the word out, but if your gonna do that, do something that will actually make a difference, too.

If I were a person trying to get the word out about abuse, I would try to find or simulate an actual situation that everyone could relate to and make them think about what really goes on in their community. I try to make it touch the heart of everyone who heard it and give them enough inspiration to try to do the same thing. My goal would not only get the word out, but to change lives in the process. I'd make it to where they'd want to show their friends and family and then they would do the same. But, I also would not blame them if they didn't.

Well, that's my rant for today. I don't really like complaining much, I just had to say something, though. Thanks for reading.

Peace Out,


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